Signing in to the COS Explorer

If you're inactive for more than an hour, you'll automatically be logged out. Do not refresh the page. Re-enter the link (Production or Sandbox and log in again.

Go to the COS Explorer login page (Production or Sandbox

Welcome email

You will received a welcome email from If you don't see it in your inbox, check your spam or blocked mail folders.

Click Create your Cross River Account.


If you leave the wizard at any time,click the link in the original email to go back to where you left off.

Terms and Conditions

Read through the terms and conditions, check Accept, and click Next.

SMS (text message) verification

We send you an SMS (text message) to your device to verify your identity. Enter the 6-digit code you receive in the login screen and click Verify Code.

Create your password

  1. Enter a password that meets the on-screen requirements and re-enter the password.

  2. Click Create Password.

Multi-Factor Authentication/2-Step Authentication

To protect your identity and your account and information, we require you to sign in with multi-factor/2-factor authentication.

If you don't already have an authenticator app on your device, you need to download one before you continue.

For Android and iOS, we recommend using the follow authenticator app:

  • Google Authenticator

  • Microsoft Authenticator

Once you have your authenticator app installed, you need to either scan the QR code or manually enter the key into the authenticator app.

QR code

  1. Scan the QR code in your authenticator app and, if necessary, enter the 6-digit code in the Multi-Factor authentication page.

  2. Click continue.


  1. Click Show key

  2. Copy the key as the Secret in your authenticator app.

    Tap the account on the home page to generate a 6-digit code.

  3. Enter the 6-digit code.

  4. Click Continue.

Recovery codes

Use recovery codes to authenticate in case you lose your device.

  1. Download or copy your recovery codes and keep them in a secure place that you will remember.

  2. Confirm that you have stored your recovery codes

  3. Click Create account.


The recovery codes page times out after 10 minutes.

You can only download the recovery codes once.

Your account is now active and you can use it to login to any of your CR apps.

IP allowlisting

The Identity Server IP addresses are:




The server is proxied via Cloudflare.

You can allow these FQDNs:




Forgot Password

  1. Click Forgot password? and enter your email.

  2. Enter the 6-digit authentication code from your authenticator app.

  3. You get a Forgot Password email. Click Reset Password.

  4. In the Password Reset page, enter a new password, click Reset Password, and Continue to the application.

    You are automatically redirected to the CR application you were logging into.

Reset Multi-Factor Authentication

If you already have MFA configured:

  1. In Identity Server, go to Reset MFA and click Reset your MFA device.

  2. The Multi-Factor Authentication page opens and you can reset your MFA.

You can also create new multi-factor authentication recovery codes.

  1. Click create new multi-factor authentication recovery codes.

  2. The Recovery Codes page opens and you can copy or download your 10 new recovery codes.

If you have not yet configured your multi-factor authentication, you can enable MFA from Account Settings.

  1. Click Reset MFA Method.

  2. Click Configure MFA.

  3. Follow the instruction in Multi-Factor Authentication/2-Step Authentication.

If your current MFA is SMS, you can enable MFA with your authenticator app.

In Account Settings

  1. Click Reset MFA Method.

  2. Click Configure MFA.

  3. Follow the instruction in Multi-Factor Authentication/2-Step Authentication.

Using a recovery code:

If you do not have access to your multi-factor (2-factor) authenticator, you can log in using one of your recovery codes.

  1. Log in as usual

  2. On the Multi-Factor Authentication page, you have the option to use a recovery code as your authentication option.

  3. Enter one of your recovery codes in the text box. The recovery code is single-use and cannot be reused. To avoid future confusion, we recommend that you mark the recovery code as used.

Account lockout

If you enter the wrong password for your username 5 times, the system locks your account for approximately 5 minutes. If after 5 minutes, you are still unable to access your account, contact Cross River Support.