Payment Templates

A Payment Template lets you pre-define the parameters of a recurring payment with the same or similar details. This lowers the need for daily manual payment set up.


A payment template must be based on an existing payment in COS Explorer.

Create a template

COS Explorer supports payment templates for all payment rails. This example shows a Wires payment template.

  1. Navigate to the Payment Details page of the wire you wish to use to create a payment template.

  2. Click Create Template.

Create Template dialog displays.

  1. Name your template. Template names must be unique and cannot be duplicated.

  2. Toggle Is Global if you want to make the template visible to others.

  3. Click Create Template.

Access your template via the Originate Wire screen


This template contains all details for a future payment, including the amount.

Using a Template

To access a template, navigate to Originate Wire.

  1. In Originate Payment Tasks pane click Load Template.

  2. The Select Template page displays.

  3. Select your template.

The Originate Wire page displays with the payment template details filled in:

4. Review the details and change any information, if necessary, especially payment amount.

5. When everything is correct, Click Originate Wire.

View your wire on the Wire Details screen.

Delete a Template

  1. Navigate to Originate Wire

  1. Click Load Template

  2. Select Template displays

  1. Find the template you want to delete.

  2. Click on the X button to remove the template.