Supporting loan documents
The documents listed below are acceptable to support the loan process.
The file-name format of the attached documents is checked by a regex to verify that we received the required documents in the correct file-name format. If we either didn't receive the required documents or they weren't named properly, the loan will remain in Received status, instead of moving into DocsComplete status.
The same file naming convention is used for both Loan/{Id}/Attachments and Preapproval/v2/applications/{id}/attachments
Use the following file name conventions:
- {ArixLoanGUID}-{Suffix}.{File Extension}
- {ArixPreapprovalGUID}-{Suffix}.{File Extension}
For example:
The credit report pdf for loan c5d3412a-f373-467b-b10f-7200e5e7582d
Should be named: c5d3412a-f373-467b-b10f-7200e5e7582d-CR.pdf
For more information about adding loan documents, click here.
We prefer that you send documents by XML or JSON. If necessary, you can send PDF documents. However, the file-name format must be agreed during your onboarding process.
Type | Suffix |
Certificate of Citizenship | -CertificateCitizenship |
Court approved name change | -NameChangeCert |
Credit card *As a secondary form of ID only | -CC |
Credit report | -CR |
Debit card * As a secondary form of ID only | -DC |
Drivers license | -DL |
Insurance card | -InsuranceCard |
Marriage Certificate | -MarriageCert |
Military ID | -MilitaryID |
Miscellaneous ID documents | -MID |
Passport | -PP |
Permanent resident card | -RC |
Proof of address jpeg, jpg, png or pdf provided as POA | -POA  |
Rental lease agreement | -LeaseAgreement |
Selfie Used to verify the ID | -SLF |
Social Security card *As a secondary form of ID only | -SC |
State Issued ID | -SID |
Utility Bill | -UtilityBill |
Work visa | -WorkVisa |
Type | Suffix |
Bankruptcy Watch | -BankruptcyWatch |
Credit memo | -CreditMemo |
Credit report | -CR |
Credit report (hard pull) | -CR_HP |
Credit report (soft pull) | -CR-SP |
Credit report( MLA) | -MLA |
Experian Instant Prescreen | -EXPInstantPrescreen |
Pagaya credit model | -CRM_PGY | credit decisioning | -Scienaptic |
Underwriting Checklist | -UWChecklist |
Type | Suffix |
Adverse Action Notice | -AAN.pdf |
Credit Score Disclosure Notice | -CreditScoreDisclosure |
Loan agreement | -LA.pdf (Contains Truth in Lending agreement and Promissory Note) |
Loan Application | -LApp |
Loan Transition Letter | LoanTransition.pdf |
Miscellaneous loan documents | -MiscLoanDocs |
Preauthorized Transfer  | -PreAuthTrn (for customer facing authorization requests) |
Promissory note | -PN.pdf |
Truth in Lending agreement | -TL.pdf |
Type | Suffix |
Additional pay stub | -PayStubAdditional |
Bank statement | -BS |
Bank transaction history | -BankTransactionHistory |
Business Tax Return | -BusinessTR |
Credit card balances | -CreditCardBalances |
Credit card statement | -CreditCardStatement |
Form 1099 | -MI |
Customer's payment history | -CustomerPayments History |
Form W2 | -W2 |
Pay stub | -PS |
Pension/retirement benefit statement | -RS |
Plaid Assets | -PlaidAssets |
Plaid Income Verification | -PlaidIncome |
Point Predictive Income Validation | -PointPredicitveIncome |
Previous pay stub | -PayStubPrevious |
Social Security Award letter (SSA) | -SS |
Tax lien release | -TaxLienRelease |
Personal Tax Return | -TR |
The Work Number Suffix | -TWN |
Truv Income and employment | -truvi |
Various income verification documents | -IV |
Type | Suffix |
Call Center call Log | -CallLog |
Carta Borrower Stock Ownership | -CartaBorrowerStockOwnership |
Carta Secured Collateral | -CartaSecuredCollateral |
Education-related documents | -ED |
Voided check | -VC |
Type | Suffix |
Alloy Identity Decisioning Platform | -ALY |
Bureau Van Dyke - Review | -BVDReview |
Clarity | -CTY |
Cognito Identity Verification and Watchlist Screening | -CGNTIDWS |
Comply Advantage | -CmplyAdvt |
DecisionLogic Income Verification | -DcsnLgcIV |
Ekata account opening | -EkataAccount |
Equifax eID | -EID |
Experian PreciseID | -PID |
GBG PLC Identity Data Verification | -GBGDataVerification |
GIACT gAuthenticate | -GAuth |
GIACT gIndentity | -GI |
GIACT gVerify | -GV |
idiCORE | -idiCORE |
Inscribe fraud document detection | -Inscribe |
LexisNexis | -LN |
LexisNexis Emailage | -LNEmail |
LexisNexis Fraud Intelligence | -LNFraudIntel |
LexisNexis FraudPoint | -LNF |
LexisNexis InstantID | -LNI |
LexisNexis OFAC | -LNO |
LexisNexis RiskView Credit Solutions | -LNRiskView |
LexisNexis Small Business Credit Report with SBFE Data | -LNSmallBusinessCRSBFE |
Middesk Verification | -MiddeskVerfication |
Onfido Facial Similarity | -OFS |
PassFort | -PassFort |
Persona Verifications | -Persona |
PinWheel Employment Verification | -PEV |
Plaid Auth Bank Accounts | -PlaidAuth |
Prove Trust Score | -ProveTrustScore |
SentiLink eCSBV service | -eCBSV |
SentiLink Synthetic-Fraud-Scores | -SNTLF |
Socure | -SO |
Thomson Reuters Clear ID | -TRCID |
TransUnion TLO | -TLO |
TransUnion IDVision | -IDV |
TransUnion TruValidate | -TVAL |
Yodlee | -YOD |