Add loan documents
Use this call to:
- Post loan documents
- Add loan documents upon Cross River request
Request URL : https:// ... /Loan/{Id}/Attachments
To support the loan approval process, send Arix a complete document package as one zip file. The package must include a signed loan agreement, a credit report, and other required documents as per your credit and underwriting policy, and your AML/BSA processes. To view the list of acceptable attachments, see Supporting loan documents
IMPORTANT The status of a loan remains Received until all the required documents are received by Arix. No webhook is sent to report that docs are incomplete.
To add attachments:
- Zip all the relevant documents
- Name the file with the {Arix GUID}.zip
- POST the documents
Click here for information on the funding flow.
The naming convention requires that the end of a file name (before the file extension), ends with a dash (-) followed by a document-type code. Click here for the codes.
- Loan agreement {JoesCreditReport}-LA.pdf
- Social Security card {JoesCreditReport}-SC.pdf
Notes for the zip files
- You can send multiple zip files
- Attachment size is set at 120 MB
- Files within the zip folder have to follow a naming convention (as shown above)

Name | Type | Description |
Id GUID | Path | Unique identifier of the loan |
File file | formData | Zip file |

- For multiple types of any single document listed above, add the numerical value to the name. Example: For multiple paystubs (PS): 179317-PS1 and 179317-PS2
- You can submit an additional 99 files as needed for underwriting, by following the convention, F1 - F99.
- If you want to submit an --F3 file, notify CR ahead of time so we can identify F3 as a security video. Example:
This table displays information on the documents received for the loan.
Attribute | Description |
MPLId string | ID of the MPL |
LoanId GUID | Unique identifier for the loan |
FilePath | Path for retrieving the document. Special permissions needed. |
FileName | Name of the file sent |
Date | Date the file was received |
FileOverwritten | If the original file was overwritten by another file, then the value will be 1 |
IssuingBankId string | ID of the issuing bank |
A loan stays in Received for these reasons:
- The file wasn't named correctly based on regex verification
- Some or all required documents weren't received
- There was a problem unzipping the files. If a file is corrupt, Arix won't be able to unzip it. Fix it and resend a POST with the attachments.
To confirm the document status for a loan, call GetLoanDetail and use these collections:
- RequiredDocs - to see which documents are required for a loan and if they were received.
- Attachments- to see which documents were received by Arix
You can add documents if a loan is in one of the statuses below. If a document is sent after the loan is funded, Arix will store it, but it won't parse it or run it through compliance.
Status | Description |
1 | Received |
2 | DocsComplete |
3 | PassedCompliance |
4 | Approved |
11 | AwaitingFunding |
101 | ComplianceFailed |