For developers
Start with digital lending
Send your first API
To start working with Lending, make sure you:
- Receive API Credentials with the scopes needed for Lending
- If you have created the API Credentials, using the self-service Org Management , then you should also send a request to [email protected], along with your clientid and MPLID, to complete the creation.
- Use the correct scope, for the APIs you want to use.
- You can play around with the APIs on sandbox using your API credentials and the API test collection. See here for more details Import API test collection
You should also register for hook notifications events.
You can now start working with Digital Lending
Lending includes a robust set of API calls to allow you to create, update, and manage your loans.
You can use cURL from the command line or a service such as Postman in our sandbox to test the API calls.
- The base URL for Loan origination API calls to the Arix Sandbox environment is
- The full API Swagger reference documentation is available at this URL
- The base URL for Sandbox of Application Decisioning is
Status Page
To see a list of upcoming releases, monitor current API status, view incident reports, or get notified of scheduled maintenance, visit our status page and subscribe to alerts.

Updated 29 Jan 2025
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