
Set up SFTP


When you need to exchange sensitive information in a file format with Cross River (CR), we require you to use Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP). Use SFTP either to send files or to download them from CR, according to your needs and ours. In some cases, you or we will encrypt these files, particularly if they contain any Personal Identifying Information (PII).


SFTP lets you securely send and receive sensitive files and reports using a folder assigned specifically to your business on a secure server. Upload and download files through that folder or subfolders of that folder, as per your specific needs.

Why encryption?

Encrypting files adds an additional layer of protection. Only authorized personnel with the correct key will be able to decrypt the encrypted file. In Cross River we use PGP encryption.

Get started

There are several steps to getting you up and running with our SFTP server.


You complete the IP Access Request for CRB SFTP Services form (from your RM). If you need to share files with CR, your Relationship Manager will send you an IP Access Request for CRB SFTP Services form. Among other information, you need to provide the static public IP addresses you'll use to access the SFTP folder, and a PGP public key for encrypting and decrypting files. Send the completed form back to your Relationship Manager

IMPORTANT CR will allowlist only 5 IP addresses for you, so take that into account. The IP addresses must be static. Therefore, you need to proxy anything that is not static on your end.


We set up your SFTP folder structure. Once CR has your details, our IT engineering department creates a standard set of folders and sub-folders for you. This unique path is for your business only. No other partner can access it. IT engineering sends you an email with the information you need to access the folders. The email includes a link to your credentials. CR does not save your password!

IMPORTANT The link is only good for a few days, after which you'll need to request a password reset if you don't use it. The credentials also become invalid if more than two people access the link.


You test SFTP. If you will be supplying files to CR, your IT department should set up a service account with an automated process for uploading those files to your SFTP folders. We strongly recommend that you test this out before you try to send real data. Contact your Relationship Manager with any questions or issues or open a ticket with your first line support.


You set up PGP to send or receive files from CR. (This step is only necessary if you are sending or receiving PII. Please check with your RM.) If you need to send CR files, we will first send you our PGP public key for use in encrypting those files. You should have already sent CR your PGP public key to receive files from us.


You share your data. Once your SFTP folder is set up and your process is in place you can begin sharing files with us. Your Relationship Manager tells you if there is something more specific you need to do to receive reports, or how to prepare data to send to us.

Specific Reports

Learn more about reports and files for:

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