Credit risk data reports
You as a Cross River (CR) credit BIN sponsorship partner must supply Cross River on a monthly basis with a summary of specific credit risk metrics that are not visible to us. We provide you with a common data exchange format (.csv - comma-separated values) to share these metrics with us. This document explains the metrics you need to share with us, the data exchange format, and how to provide the file.
- Ensure you’ve submitted the complete IP Access Request for CRB SFTP Services form. Get this form from your CR Implementation or Relationship Manager. When CR gets your completed form, we begin the process of setting up your SFTP access. Learn more about SFTP setup .
- Once you are set up for SFTP, ensure you have a \ClientCredit subfolder in your Cross River SFTP folder. This is where you’ll put your csv file. CR provides you with the full path when you get your access credentials. Contact your Relationship Manager with any questions.
The credit risk metrics file must be formatted in a specific way. To prepare the credit risk metrics file:
- Use this file naming convention: CreditRiskMetrics_PartnerAbbreviation_datetimestamp.csv Use a 3- to 6-character string for the PartnerAbbreviation is that clearly refers your organization, and that Cross River will understand. Format the datetimestamp as yyyymmddhhmm. If the date and time stamp is automated, the format can include seconds.
- Use this file format/delimiter: .csv (comma-separated values)
- File header: Use these and only these column names in your file: COSPartnerID, MetricMonth, MetricAbbrev, MetricValue
- File footer: Do not include a footer.
- Build the file: Each row/record in the .CSV represents a single monthly credit risk metric value. Each record you send must include entries each of these 4 columns: COSPartnerID, MetricMonth, MetricAbbrev, and MetricValue. The table below explains them in detail. List the metrics in whatever order you like. No specific order is required. Cross River BIN Sponsor card programs can vary. You still need to send the entire list of metrics, even if a given metric isn’t relevant. If a metric does not apply, give it a MetricValue of 0. Your relationship manager will work with Cross River’s Credit Risk team to answer any questions about determining applicable metrics for your program.
Sequence/ Position | Column | Description | Format |
1 | COSPartnerID | Your CR partner ID supplied to you by us. This ID acts as a unique identifier for you so we know which partner supplied the credit risk metrics | GUID (36 characters) |
2 | MetricMonth | The month the credit risk metric record is for. This value is the last day of the month the report covers | YYYY-MM-DD (last day of the month) |
4 | MetricValue | The actual credit risk metric supplied as a number (either a count of a metric or a dollar ($) amount) | Must be a number |
Metric | Abbreviation | Description | Metric Type ($ amount or Count) |
Total apps received | TAR | Number of completed applications (number of Pending, Declined, and approved together should equal the number of Total Apps received) | Count |
Total apps pending | TAP | Number of completed applications that are pending | Count |
Total apps incomplete | TAI | Number of incomplete applications | Count |
Total apps declined | TAD | Number of declined applications | Count |
Total approvals | TAA | Number of approved applications | Count |
Total subprime approvals (if applicable to your program) | TSA | Number of subprime approvals (Less than 660 FICO or equivalent). | Count |
Total application declines overridden/exceptions | TADO | Number of applications initially declined and later judgmentally reviewed and approved (Bank may request for exception/overridden reason). | Count |
Average Limit Assigned | ALA | Average of all customers' credit limit amounts at end-of-month | $ amount |
$ Total Credit Limit/Exposure | TCL | Total of all credit limit amounts at end-of-month | $ amount |
$ Highest Credit Limit | HCL | Highest credit limit amount at end-of-month | $ amount |
$ Month End Balance (total outstanding/account receivables) | MEB | Total balance at end-of-month | $ amount |
$ First Pay Default | FPD | Sum of past-due balances from cardholders who failed to make their first payment on or before their scheduled due date, given that CR’s issuing program supports only 1 repayment cycle | $ amount |
$ Balances 30 DPD | B3DPD | Sum of balances 30 days past due | $ amount |
$ Balances 60 DPD | B6DPD | Sum of balances 60 days past due | $ amount |
$ Balances 90 DPD | B9DPD | Sum of balances 90 days past due | $ amount |
$ Balances Charged Off | BCO | Sum of charged-off balances | $ amount |
$ Fraud Losses | TFL | Sum of fraud losses | $ amount |
# of total Cardholders | NTC | Number of cardholders regardless of status | Count |
Number of open cards | NOC | Number of open cards (exclude lost or stolen, fraud, closed, or charged off cards) | Count |
Number of cards issued | NCI | Number of cards issued (both reissued and new cardholders) | Count |
Number of Auth Prohibited Cards | NAPC | Number of cards with status Authorization Prohibited | Count |
# First Pay Default | NFPD | Number of cardholders who failed to pay balance amount in full before or on due date | Count |
# Cardholders 30 DPD | C3DPD | Number of cardholders 30 days past due | Count |
# Cardholders 60 DPD | C6DPD | Number of cardholders 60 days past due | Count |
# Cardholders 90 DPD | C9DPD | Number of cardholders 90 days past due | Count |
# Cardholders Charged Off | CCO | Number of cardholder charge-offs | Count |
# of Reages | NOR | Number of re-ages (If your program practices re-aging, supply the number of re-aged accounts completed) | Count |
# of Hardship/Forbearance Enrollments | NOH | Number of hardship/forbearance enrollments | Count |
# Overlimit Cardholders | NOCL | Number of accounts over assigned credit limit | Count |
$ All Balances Overlimit | BOCL | Sum of balances over assigned credit limit | $ amount |
Requested Credit Limit Increases Approved | CLIA | Total approved credit limit requests by cardholders | Count |
Voluntary Credit Limit Decreases Approved | CLDA | Total approved credit limit decrease requests by cardholder | Count |
Requested Credit Limit Increases Declined | CLID | Number of declined credit limit requests by cardholder | Count |
Involuntary Credit Limit Decreases | CLDD | Number of declined credit limits conducted by Program Manager | Count |
Proactive credit line increase Approved | PCLIA | Number of approved credit limits initiated by Program Manager | Count |
# Primary Account Cardholder Closures | NACL | Number of primary account cardholder closure requests by cardholder | Count |
# Involuntary Account Closure | NICL | Accounts involuntarily closed due to bad behavior/adverse action | Count |
# Total Inactive Accounts | TIA | Accounts without a balance in current and prior cycle | Count |
# Pricing Changes (increases/decreases) | NPC | Number of pricing changes made to an account(s) | Count |
# Total Monthly Refunds | NMR | Number of monthly refunds | Count |
$ Total Monthly Refunds | TMR | Sum of monthly refunds | $ amount |
# Total Monthly Sales | NMS | Number of monthly purchase transactions | Count |
$ Total Monthly Sales | TMS | Sum of monthly purchase transactions | $ amount |
$ Total Cardholder payments in Month | TCP | Sum of all monthly payments | $ amount |
$ Interchange Income | TII | Sum of interchange income | $ amount |
$ Fee Income | TFI | Sum of fee income (if applicable to program) | $ amount |
$ Interest Income | TIIN | Sum of monthly interest | $ amount |
Number of cardholder sent to external collection Agency | COLL | Number of accounts reported to an external collection agency | Count |
Funding Direct Utilized (= on Program Manager Balance Sheet)* | FDU | Sum of receivables on your program’s balance sheet | $ amount |
Funding Partner Utilized (= on Funding Partner’s Balance Sheet)* | FPU | Sum of receivables on any third-party balance sheet | $ amount |
Total Partner(s) Funding Utilized $ | TPFU | Sum utilized for all card receivables on a third-party balance sheet | $ amount |
Funding Partner available $ | FPA | Total presently available on a third-party balance sheet for card receivables | $ amount |
$ Recoveries | TAMR | Amount recovered from charged-off/write-off | $ amount |
# Disputes | TND | Number of disputed transactions | Count |
$ Disputes | TAMD | Total balance from disputed transactions | $ amount |
# Chargeback | TNC | Number of chargeback transactions | Count |
$ Chargeback | TAMC | Total balance from chargeback transactions | $ amount |
$ Securitization Activity | MSA | Total amount securitized monthly (If you issue credit securitized by an asset, such as a car value, total amount of those values) | $ amount |
# Cardholders in Promo Rate | PR | Number of cardholders in a promotional rate period | Count |
$ Aged Write-offs | AAWO | Total amount of aged write-offs in a month | $ amount |
# Aged Write-offs | CAWO | Number of aged write-offs in a month | Count |
$ Bankruptcy Write-offs | ABWO | Total amount of bankruptcy write-offs in a month | $ amount |
# Bankruptcy Write-offs | CBWO | Number of bankruptcy write-offs in a month | Count |
$ Deceased Write-offs | ADWO | Total amount of deceased write-offs in a month | $ amount |
# Deceased Write-offs | CDWO | Number of deceased write-offs in a month | Count |
$ Fraud Write-offs | AFWO | Total amount of fraud write-offs in a month | $ amount |
# Fraud Write-offs | CFWO | Number of fraud write-offs in a month | Count |
$ Rewards Issued | RI | Total amount of rewards/points issued in a month | $ amount |
$ Rewards Reversed | RR | Total amount of rewards/points reversed in a month | $ amount |
$ Rewards Redeemed | RREDM | Total amount of rewards/points redeemed in a month | $ amount |
$ Rewards Outstanding Liability | ROL | Total amount of outstanding rewards/points liability | $ amount |
Total Collateral Value | TCL | Total collateral value on book | $ amount |
$ Statement Credit Issued | SCI | Total amount of statement credit issued in a month | $ amount |
The sample below presents the monthly credit risk metric report from a fictitious Cross River partner, ABCD, Inc, partner ID a926ccfc-3cba-4a59-b3f8-c4d4b277f61f, for the month of July 2023.
File Name: CreditRiskMetrics_ABCD_202308291005
File Format: .csv

Download the file:
If in the same month you provide a new monthly metric value for a metric that has already been received, CR uses only the most-recently provided metric value for that month.
Share the csv file monthly.
Upload the file using SFTP to your \ClientCredit subfolder.
If you do not yet have an SFTP folder with CR, contact your CR Implementation or Relationship manager. They will help set you up.
- You don’t know your partner ID
- Request your partner ID from your Relationship Manager.
- You are notified by CR that there is a problem with the csv file
- If your csv file has problems, CR will let you know what they are and how to fix them.
- In general, before sending, check these values for validity:
- Filename is formatted correctly
- For each record:
- Partner GUID is correct
- Month end date is correct and in the correct format
- Metric Abbreviation is a valid one from provided list
- MetricValue is expressed as a number