Transfer funds
You can easily move money between your various Cross River accounts on the digital banking platform. To move money between your internal accounts, go to the Pay and Transfer tab, and click Transfer Funds.

Here you can set up your transfer and select the Amount, Frequency, and Transfer Date.

To complete a transfer, you will then select either Draft or Approve. If you have Dual Action enabled, then you can only select Draft, and another account user will have to approve the transaction.
If your account admin has requested that transfers require dual authorization (a.k.a 2FA), you will be sent a Secure Access Code by email or text message.

To move money between multiple internal accounts, and to create templates of common internal transfers, select the Multi-Account Transfers tab.
To initiate a one-time multi-account transfer, select the Transfer Funds box and follow the instructions to select your transfer.
The same Draft and Approve options are available as previously described.

All saved templates will be on this page, including a search function if you have many templates.

To action a saved template, click the 3-dot menu next to the one you want to manage.

To create a template for a single account transfer (a transfer between 2 different accounts), select the Create Transfer Template button, and Remove the rows until there is only one row remaining. Remember to click Save.

On the Home tab, you have the ability to transfer funds between your own accounts that are displayed on that page. Click on the 3-dot menu next to the account you wish to leverage as the From Account, and then click Quick Transfer.

This will bring up the Quick Transfer screen, where you can easily submit an internal transfer between your own accounts.