Send ACH or Wire
From your Cross River account, you have the ability to send ACH and Wire payments to external accounts. Currrently there are three payment types to choose from: ACH Batch, ACH Payment, and Domestic Wire. To view these options you will need to navigate to the Pay and Transfer tab, and click on the Send Payments tile.

This will bring you to the Payments Hub, where you can select a payment type from the list presented.

By selecting ACH Batch or ACH Payment from the dropdown menu, you will be shown the necessary fields for originating an ACH push transaction. Batch payments can have mulitple recipients, whereas single payments only have a single recipient.
The SEC Code will be defaulted to CCD - Cash Concentration and Disbursement. You will have to select a From Subsidiary, if your company has accounts set up with multiple subsidiaries. Next you will select which specific Account you would like the payment to be sent from.

For Effective Date, you will select that date that you would like the ACH Payment to process. If you select the current date, you are attempting to submit a Same Day ACH payment, which is subject to higher fees according to your customer agreement.

You can also plan a Recurrence from this screen, if you would like to schedule a recurring transaction. Here are the options available:

In the Recipients/Account field, you need to add the details of the recipient party where you want to send the payment. This field will store any recipient parties you have previously added, and is searchable.
To add a new or first time recipient see Manage Recipients.

Enter the transaction dollar amount in the Amount field.
Finally, if your company has enabled Dual Action, you may only be allowed to Draft the transaction. The ability to Draft or Approve transactions is determined by the User Roles that your account admin has set up.
By selecting Domestic Wire from the dropdown menu, you will be shown the necessary fields for originating a Domestic Wire push transaction.
To start, you will need to fill out the Origination Details section, which will include which From Subsidiary and Process Date should be used for originating the wire.

Next, you will need to fill out the Wire Details Section. You will need to input information in the following fields: Recipient/Account, Amount, Account, Purpose of Wire.

Finally, if your company has enabled Dual Action, you may only be allowed to Draft the transaction. The ability to Draft or Approve transactions is determined by the User Roles that your account admin has set up.