Card payments daily reports

Daily settlement (summary)


What is the daily settlement summary report?

Daily pre-settlement reports help you match payments with the batches of transactions to which they relate.

The daily settlement summary report shows the following. This reflects the settlement transactions to be transferred on this particular day:

  • Starting and ending balance held at Cross River for a stated date range
  • A high-level summary of merchant partner activity during that range.

Together, these reflect the settlement transactions to be transferred on this day.

When is this report generated?

Every day that Cross River settles funds. This is the day that the bank settles transactions with the merchant partner.

How is this report sent and received?

  • By email
  • Via SFTP file export

Report file format


Report structure

Aggregation level: Networks

Fields: Report Date, Total Settlement Amount, Daily Limit, Amount Balance, Required Replenishment, etc.

Document image

* This could be any of the card networks listed in theNetwork Identification supplement.

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