Card issuing overview
Cross River card issuing lets you offer customers different types of debit card products. These products, known as instrument types, include contact-less and virtual cards. CR card issuing in our banking core uses i2c as the payment processor, but can adapt to other card processors.
Manage your customer's cards by working with CR to decide what you want to offer, such as physical or virtual cards. This is the card configuration. CR creates a card configuration profile for youfor each instrument type you choose for your customers. Once created, we give you a configurationId for each instrument type you are offering. You needthis configuration ID when asking COS to create a new card for a customer.
To create a card, you need a valid deposit account number, the configuration ID, and other card-specific information such as the name and address of the cardholder. A newly created card is not activated.
Cards can only be used once they are activated. To activate the card, use the activate endpoint with the COS card ID.
Cards include different types of status: The status (card status) and the order status. These indicate different things.

The card status also contributes to the card state.
The status attribute is the activation status of the card and if the card can be used by the cardholder:
- Unactivated - The card has not been activated by the cardholder
- Active - The card is active and ready for use
- Suspended - The card is currently suspended
- Closed - The card is closed
The orderStatus attribute is the current status of the order:
- Order Pending - The order is pending fulfillment by the processor
- Completed - The order has been fulfilled by the processor. For physical cards, the card is being printed and mailed to the cardholder
- Failed - The order failed at the processor level
The status of a newly created card is Unactivated and the order status is OrderPending. The order status updates to Completed when the order is complete. For physical cards, this means the card has been mailed to the customer.
Managing a card program may require you to update card statuses for specific scenarios. For example, you may want to offer your customers added security by allowing them to temporarily suspend a card that has been misplaced.
Update activated card status when necessary to suspend, block, or close a card:
- Suspended Suspending a card temporarily inactivates it until you remove the suspension by activating the card again. The cardholder is allowed to remove this block.
- Placed on administrative block An administrative block means that the card is both suspended and has been blocked using the admin-block endpoint. Only an admin can remove this block.
- Closed
IMPORTANT Once the card is closed, it cannot be reactivated.
A given card status can be due to more than one reason. For example, a card might be suspended because it was lost, stolen, or blocked due to fraud. Knowing the reason for a given status is important to manage the card life cycle. At CR we call combination of status and other attributes card state.
You see the card state in the Cards.Status.Changed webhook event.
You need to register to receive a webhook.

Card state | Card status | Other related fields and their values |
Card has never been Activated | Unactivated |  |
Card Activated | Active |  |
Card Closed | Closed |  |
Card Lost | Suspended | StatusReasonCode = Lost |
Card Stolen | Suspended | StatusReasonCode = Stolen |
Admin Blocked | Suspended | AdminBlocked = true |
Fraud Blocked | Suspended | FraudSuspect = true StatusReasonCode = FraudBlocked |
Card Suspended by User | Suspended | StatusReasonCode = NotSet |
Card Unsuspended by User or Admin | Active | StatusReasonCode = NotSet FraudSuspect = false AdminBlocked = false |
Order a replacement for damaged, lost or stolen cards using the replace endpoint. Damaged cards remain active until the cardholder activates the replacement card. Lost or stolen cards are immediately closed and a replacement card is issued.
IMPORTANT When you replace a card, you must make the replacement card the primary card in the CRÂ system to avoid issues once the card is supplied.
Use the pin endpoint to set a customer personal identification number (PIN). This will be the customer's ATM PIN.
See the card issuing API reference page.