Working with Wires
You send, receive and settle a variety of payments on a same-day basis in the Wires tab. Payments could include consumer payments, commercial payments, settlement payments with other networks or clearing houses, federal tax payments, or federal fund purchase and sale.
When you set up your Wires product, Cross River lets you define an allowlist of countries pre-approved to receive international wire payments from. International wires originating in countries not on your allowlist are checked by the CR Wires Ops team before approving the transfer. This may cause a delay in receiving the payment.
In the Wires tab, click Wire Search to display the Wire Search information screen.
Wire details
Click an entry in the Wire Search list.
The main payment information displays in the Wire Details area:
Column | Description |
Reference ID | Reference ID of wire payment |
International | Whether the payment is international |
Partner | Name of partner associated with payment |
Status | Wire payment status |
Payment Type | Wire payment type |
Function Code | Business function code of wire payment |
IMAD | IMAD (Input Messaging Accountability Data) number assigned to wire payment |
Source | Wire payment source |
Client Identifier | Optional field used for idempotency handling. |
Created | Date and time wire was created |
Auth | Whether authorization is Required/Not required |
Completed | Date and time wire was completed |
Amount | Amount of wire payment in dollars |
Product | Product associated with account |
Posting | Wire payment posting status |
Direction | Wire payment direction |
Type Code | Business type code of wire payment |
OMAD | OMAD (Output Messaging Accountability Data) number assigned to wire payment |
Purpose | Wire payment purpose |
Effective | Date and time of wire payment effective |
Dual Auth | Dual Authorization (Required/ Not required) |
Sending Institution | Sending institution information |
Originator Institution | Originating institution information |
Originator | Originator information |
Receiving Institution | Receiving institution information |
Beneficiary | Beneficiary information |
Sender Reference | Reference of entity sending wire |
The Wire Holds area displays information on the holds imposed on the wire, including the status of the hold and the type of the hold.
The Posting Records dialog displays details of the wires attempts.
You can toggle between a display All Attempts or a display of only completed attempts.
View Fedwire Message
You can view the Fedwire message on the wire using the View Fedwire Message option in the Payment Tasks area.
In the Fedwire Message View dialog, the Payment ID displays with the Fedwire message itself.
View Webhooks
The View Webhook Events dialog lets you filter on and see details about webhook events.
To filter for specific events, click the filter icon to toggle the search fields, and enter relevant search parameters. Click Search.
Column | Description |
EVENT | Payment event |
STATUS | Expired, Failed, Pending, Success |
CREATED | Time and date stamp of event creation |
ATTEMPTED | Time and date stamp of event attempt |
Click Refresh button to resend a specific event.
Click OK button to open the Webhook Event Detailsdialog for a given event.
Click the entry under RESOURCE to display further details.
Click the entry under CALLBACK URL toview Log Details.
View History
The Wire History dialog displays the history of all related wire payments, including the direction of the wire, the function code, the date that the wire was received, the status and the reference ID number.
Click the bottom item in the Payment History area to view the Wire Payment Information screen for that related payment.
After clicking the bottom item, you can toggle the Payment History area to refresh the bottom row with the original payment you viewed. You can click the bottom row again to view the original payment again.
View Notes
Click View Notes in the Payment Tasks area to view and add notes on a wire payment.
The View Notes dialog displays notes that have been saved for the wire payment:
Field | Description |
DATE | Note creation date |
SUBJECT | Note subject |
AUDIENCE | Note audience (Internal /Partner) |
CREATED BY | COS user who created note |
Body | Note text |
Click Retry Posting, this dialog displays:

Go to Wires>Wire Search.
Search by ID or click the filter icon and enter your search parameters:
Filter | Description |
Ref ID | Wire payment Ref ID |
Partner | Partner name |
Product | Product name |
Auth | Not Required, Pending, Approved, Canceled |
Dual Auth | Not Required, Pending, Approved, Canceled |
Direction | Payment direction (Inbound /Outbound) |
Type | Wire payment type |
Status | Payment status |
Start | Payment date, search from that date onwards |
End | Payment date, to search until that date |
Min Amount | Minimum payment amount |
Max Amount | Maximum payment amount |
Imad | IMAD (Input Messaging Accountability Data) number |
Ben. Name | Beneficiary name |
Orig. Name | Originator name |
Reversed | Whether the payment has been reversed |
International | Whether the payment is international |
Business Func | Business function |
Type Code | Transaction type code |
Client Identifier | Use this attribute to add your own unique identifying string to a payment call or COS record. This attribute is useful for idempotency purposes . |
Blocked Reason | Reason for wire being blocked |
Rejection Reason | Reason for rejection |
Source | API, Partner Portal, Ops Portal |
Click Search.
Each row in the list represents an individual wire payment.
The search results display in the Wire Search list:
Column | Description |
Ref ID | Wire payment Ref ID |
Status | Wire payment status |
Posting | Wire payment posting status |
Partner | Partner associated with wire payment |
Dir | Direction of wire payment |
Type | Wire payment type |
Date | Wire payment date |
Originator | Name and account number of payment originator |
Beneficiary | Payment beneficiary name |
Receiver Fi | Receiver routing number |
Code | Business function code |
Type Code | Code describing transaction |
Auth | Authorization required/not required |
Dual Auth | Dual authorization required/not required |
IMAD | IMAD number of wire payment |
Amount | Amount of transaction |
In the Wires module, the Originate Wire tab allows you to originate a wire payment.
To originate a wire payment:
Click the Wires tab.
Click Originate Wire to open the Originate Wire screen.
In the Originate Wire screen, enter the information into the fields:
Field | Description |
Business Function Code | Business function code (Required) |
Originator Account # | Originator account number |
Receiver Routing # | Receiver routing number |
Purpose | Purpose of wire payment |
Amount | Dollar amount of wire payment |
Beneficiary Identifier | Identifier type for the beneficiary |
Beneficiary Name | Beneficiary name |
Beneficiary Address [1-3] | Beneficiary address |
Beneficiary FI Identifier | Identifier type for beneficiary financial institution (FI) |
Beneficiary FI Name | Beneficiary financial institution name |
Beneficiary FI Address [1-3] | Beneficiary financial institution address |
Intermediary FI Identifier | Identifier type for intermediary financial institution |
Intermediary FI Name | Intermediary financial institution name |
Intermediary FI Address [1-3] | Intermediary financial institution address |
Beneficiary Reference | Beneficiary reference code |
Originator to Beneficiary Line [1-4] | Originator to beneficiary information |
Click Originate Wire
The payment details display in the Wire Payment Information screen.
In the Wires module, the Originate Wire tab allows you to originate a wire payment. An outbound wire drawdown request, is also known as a reverse wire, involves requesting someone to send funds back to you, as the requester.
Click the Wires tab.
Click Originate Wire to open the Originate Wire payment screen.

In the Originate Wire screen, enter the information into the fields:
Field | Description |
Business Function Code | Business function code (Required). You must select DRC. |
Originator Account # | Originator account number. This is your account #. |
Receiver Routing # | Receiver routing number. The routing number where the drawdown requst will be sent. For example, Chase or Bank America. |
Purpose | Purpose of drawdown request. |
Amount | Dollar amount of drawdown request. |
Beneficiary Identifier | Identifier type for the beneficiary. You must select D and enter your account number as you will be receiving funds. |
Beneficiary Name | Account holder (beneficiary) name |
Beneficiary Address [1-3] | Account holder (beneficiiary) address |
Beneficiary FI Identifier | Identifier type for beneficiary financial institution (FI). Select F-Fed Routing number. Enter the 9-digit routing number for CR. |
Beneficiary FI Name | Beneficiary financial institution name. Fill in the details of CR as we are sending the request on your behalf. |
Beneficiary FI Address [1-3] | Beneficiary financial institution address. Fill in CR's address. |
Drawdown Credit Account Number | Enter 9-digit CR routing number or 9-digit number of bank originating drawdown request. |
Drawdown Debit Account Id Code | Enter D (Demand Deposit Account). |
Drawdown Debit Account Number | The account number of the party who is being sent the request (whose account will be debited) |
Drawdown Debit Account Name | The name on the Drawdown Debit Account Identifier. |
Drawdown Debit Address 1-3 | The full address of the person who receives the request for funds. |
Click Originate Wire.

The payment details display in the Wire Payment information screen.
A window displays with confirmation that your drawdown request has been created.