International Payments in Explorer
Learn more about International Payments.
Before committing to sending an International Payment, you can get an estimated FX rate for your desired currency. This optional step includes CRs spread fee charge and does not require beneficiary information.
In the International tab:
- Click Get Estimate. The Get Estimate page displays. Enter your account number (Acct #) in the search bar.
- In the currency box enter either the dollar amount you want to send or the foreign currency amount you want the beneficiary receive. Do not enter both values.
- Click Get Estimate. A currency estimate displays.

Click Originate Payment and complete all required fields including beneficiary details and Priority, where Yes indicates SWIFT and No indicates local rail.
The required information, such as, account number, IBAN, BIC/SWIFT, sort code, may vary depending on the destination country of the international payment.
Click Get Quote.
After clicking Get Quote, you will see the FX rate, spread fees, and transaction fees for the payment. The FX quote is valid for 1 minute before it updates. If you click Send payment after the quote expires you will need to go back to Step 2 and regenerate a quote.

Click Send Payment to originate the payment.

To view your payment click Payments.