
Unregister hooks


DELETE /Hooks/v2/Registrations

Request URL https:// .../Hooks/v2/Registrations

Use this call to unregister any hook event you are registered to.

Sample request: DEL /Hooks/v2/Registrations

Required query parameter

Parameter name

Parameter type

Data type





The registration ID of hook registration to remove

Sample response in JSON - DEL /Hooks/v2/Registrations

There is no response in the image below because the hook registration was deleted successfully.

Document image

You can use the Arix test collection in Postman to practice unregistering from an event:

  1. In the Postman collection, Delete Registration click the tab, Params.
  2. In the KEY field, enter id .
  3. In the VALUE field, enter the registration ID number that you received when you registered to the event.
  4. Click Send.

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Updated 07 Oct 2024
Doc contributor
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