Request and response codes
The checkType attribute in the response to POST /Checks/v1/payments describes the type of check the call is dealing with.
Type | Description |
Standard | A check drawn from a business or personal account at another bank |
OnUs | A check drawn from a CR account |
Treasury | A check drawn on the US Treasury and issued by the US Department of the Treasury |
MoneyOrder | A pre-paid traceable certificate used to transfer funds in amounts of up to 1000 USD |
FedReserveBank | A check drawn on the Federal Reserve Bank |
FedHomeLoan | A check issued by a member Federal Home Loan bank |
StateLocalGovt | A check issued by a state or local government |
Certified | A check guaranteed by the issuing FI to be valid and that the account it is drawn on has sufficient funds to cover the amount |
Unknown | Check type cannot be determined |
Direction | Description |
Inbound | A check drawn from a COS account, deposited at another bank |
Outbound | A check deposited into a COS account, drawn from an account at another bank |
The status of the payment is returned in the response to several check calls in the status field.
Status | Description |
Created | We have received the payment, but have not started processing it yet. This status should only appear briefly under normal circumstances. |
Pending | The payment is waiting to be batched and sent to the Federal Reserve |
Hold | Payment is being held at the moment and reviewed by our Operations Team |
Batched | The payment has been batched and a final review is being done before we send it out in a file to the Federal Reserve |
Processing | For inbound payments, we are attempting to post the payment to the receiving account. For outbound payments, the payment has been sent to the Federal Reserve, but has not posted yet. |
Completed | The payment has been posted and accepted by the Federal Reserve (in the case of outbound payments). This is a final status. |
Rejected | Your check has been rejected for compliance reasons. Applies to Outbound payments only. This is a final status. |
Canceled | An outbound payment has been canceled at the request of the partner. A payment may only be canceled while either pending or on hold. This is a final status. |
If Positive Pay is enabled, the positive pay status of the check:
Status | Description |
Authorized | The check has been authorized for positive pay |
Paid | An authorized check has been presented by the Federal Reserve and paid by the Bank |
Revoked | The check's positive pay authorization has been revoked |
The check paymentType field, found in responses to checks calls, indicates whether the check has been presented for deposit or has been returned for some reason.
Payment types include:
Type | Description |
Forward | A forward item is a check presented for deposit, to be sent to the payer bank |
Return | A previous forward item that the payer bank returned |
The policy type supplied in checks responses in the policy field, tells you how within how many days funds from a check deposit will be available in the customer's account.
Standard | $225 or less of the aggregate amount deposited daily to be available next business day. Remainder amount available on the 2nd business day after the deposit date |
NewAccount | $5,525.00 or less of the aggregate amount deposited daily to be available 2nd business day Excess of $5,525 available on the 7th business day after the deposit date |
LargeDeposits | $225 or less of the aggregate amount deposited daily to be available next business day $5,300 or less of the aggregate amount deposited daily to be available on the 2nd business day Remainder of the deposit to be available on the 7th business day after the deposit date |
RedepositedCheck | Total amount of the deposit to be available on the 7th business day after the deposit date |
RepeatedOverdrafts | Total amount of the deposit to be available on the 7th business day after the deposit date |
OnUs | Total amount of the deposit to be available on the 2nd business day after the deposit date |
RCNoticeOfUnpaidReturn | Total amount of the deposit to be available on the 7th business day after the deposit date |
RCSuspectFraud | Total amount of the deposit to be available on the 7th business day after the deposit date |
RCFundingAccountOverdrafts | Total amount of the deposit to be available on the 7th business day after the deposit date |
RCUnverifiedEndorsement | Total amount of the deposit to be available on the 7th business day after the deposit date |
RCInconsistentInformation | Total amount of the deposit to be available on the 7th business day after the deposit date |
RCErasuresOrAlterations | Total amount of the deposit to be available on the 7th business day after the deposit date |
RCOutOfDateRoutingNumber | Total amount of the deposit to be available on the 7th business day after the deposit date |
RCPostDatedOrStaleDate | Total amount of the deposit to be available on the 7th business day after the deposit date |
RCPayingBankNotPaidIndication | Total amount of the deposit to be available on the 7th business day after the deposit date |
RCLostOrDamaged | Total amount of the deposit to be available on the 7th business day after the deposit date |
EmergencyConditions | Total amount of the deposit to be available on the 7th business day after the deposit date |
There are many reasons why a check payment might be rejected. These values appear in the rejectionReason field of checks responses.
Reason | Description |
ImageAnalysisFailure | The software was not able to read the check image |
PostingException | The deposit is unable to post (for example, because of NSF or restriction) |
AmountMismatch | The written and numeric check amount numbers do not match |
MaxItemAmountExceeded | The limit of number of checks deposited has been reached |
MaxDepositAmountExceeded | The limit of dollar volume for check deposits has been reached |
MaxItemsPerDayExceeded | The limit of amount of checks deposited has been reached for the day |
Duplicate | The check has already been deposited |
PayerRoutingNumberInvalid | The routing number on the check is invalid |
PayerAccountNumberInvalid | The account number on the check is invalid |
CheckNumberInvalid | The check number on the check is invalid |
NotSpecified |  |
A returned check response contains many details, including a returnCode that tells you why the check was returned.
Code | Description |
A | Not Sufficient Funds |
B | Uncollected Funds Hold |
C | Stop Payment |
D | Closed Account |
E | Unable to Locate Account |
F | Frozen/Blocked Account |
G | Stale Dated |
H | Post Dated |
I | Endorsement Missing |
J | Endorsement Irregular |
K | Signature(s) Missing |
L | Signature(s) Irregular |
M | Non-Cash Item (Non-Negotiable) |
N | Altered/Fictitious Item |
P | Item Exceeds Dollar Limit |
Q | Not Authorized |
R | Branch/Account Sold (Wrong Bank) |
S | Refer to Maker |
T | Stop Payment Suspect |
W | Cannot Determine Amount |
X | Refer to Image |