Digital lending

Update a loan by ID


Use the loan ID in this call to update loan details. When you update field values in the LoanUpdate object of the request body, the response body will show the updated values.

PUT /Loan/{Id}

Request URL https:// ... /Loan/{Id}

Click here to access the call to update funding information.

To follow loan updates, query the loan with this call, Get loan details by ID

You can update loan details with PUT/Loan when the loan is on of these statuses:

  • Received (before loan passes compliance)
  • ComplianceFailed (before loan passes compliance)
  • AwaitingFunding (after the loan has passed compliance)

If you send PUT/Loan in any other status, Arix won't update the loan, even if a 200 is returned.

For detailed reference information on the loan attributes in the LoanUpdate object, see Loan attributes and parameters


Original Post /Loan API response

Document image

Updated API request using PUT /Loan/{Id}

The updated BorrowerLastName and BorrowerFirstName show below.

Use LoanUpdate object When you update a loan with PUT/Loan, use a LoanUpdate object.

The attributes for a LoanUpdate object are the same as those used in the Loan object, when you call POST/Loan


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