Pull funding from Merchant
The PullFunding API enables Marketplace Lenders (MPLs) who leverage Arix to manage Merchant Returns. This functionality provides a method for MPLs to retrieve funds from merchant accounts back into the bank, using NACHA Debits. This is especially useful when a merchant initiates a return or refund, as it reduces the need for manual reconciliation or additional requests, by reusing previously funded loan.
It is best practice to wait three days before sending out funds after a successful pull.
According to NACHA standards, a pull can be returned to the merchant. Most returns tend to occur within the first three days. To reduce the likelihood of overfunding, it is advisable to wait before sending out the next FundingInfo request.
Before calling the PullFunding API, ensure the loan is eligible for using this API according to Loan Status and Amount being requested
Loan status should be one of the following:
- NotFullyFunded
- FundedĀ
- ReadyToSell
- Sold
Amount being requested in the API should be greater than 0 and less than the sum of rails that have been successfully sent and haven't been returned.
- 0 < Amount <= loan.amountFunded
When this API succeeds, you receive an ID in the response. Track this Rail ID using the RailUpdated webhook eventļ»æ.
The full list of FundResults of the rail is in the RailResultType Enumsļ»æ .
Using the PullFunding API, is essentially asking for a return of funds to the loan.
Unlike the success of a standard push rail, a successful pull will be in a returned status and not in a success status.
These statuses have different meanings than other rail statuses:
Action | FundResult (RailResultType Enumsļ»æ ) | Description |
Put /PullFunding succeeds | Requested | Pull Funds has been requested |
The Pull Succeeds | Returned | The pull funds request has been successfully received by NACHA, and the bank has received the funds. The pull amount has been returned to the loan. |
Pull is returned | PullReturned | The ACH Pull, has been returned. The amount available in the loan for funding, will be deducted by the rail amount. |