
Banking and payments


We use webhooks to update you on the status of your cards and to report transaction changes. Webhooks events return information about API calls you send. The event returns a resource object that contains relevant details about the subject of each event.

The system typically aggregates event objects every 30 seconds.


Core.Account.Opened webhook event in the extended webhook format.

  • The first half of the webhook event includes information about the webhook event itself.
  • The resources object of the webhook event shows that an account was created.
  • The details object contains information related to the API call.
    • The accountType field object shows that the account is a deposit account.
    • The accountNumber field shows the account number of the created account.
    • The status field shows that the account is active.
Event Report

Event formatting

An event object is delivered in the same standard format and contains the resources it's reporting on.

Our system supports 2 different event formats:B


Use basic format webhook events for any xxx.Payment.Sent events.

The ID in the resources object (in this example 73da01c7-b85b-4a58-9395-b04900de43cf) corresponds to the id field returned in the POST /v1/payments response body. This payment id is used to track the payment.

Basic events have a small payload and can deliver up to 50k resources at once.



We recommend using extended webhooks for all events except for xxx.Payment.Sent events.

This format returns all the information included in the basic format and a details object. The details object includes information relevant to the event type.

Extended events deliver up to 1k resources at once


Event status

Whenever you receive an event, it is always in Pending status and refers to the registration status (an event was created but not yet delivered), and not the resource status.

If you want to see if webhooks were delivered successfully, call GET /webhooks/v1/events/{id}. If the event was delivered successfully you will see status:Success.




Event has been created.


Internal status only. Event was successfully delivered to the registered URL.


Internal status only. We could not deliver the event to the registered URL. See the event logs for more detail on the failure reason.

IMPORTANT Webhook delivery is guaranteed at-least-once. While rare, it's technically possible to receive the same event twice. Your message handlers should account for that edge case and be idempotent.

Event registration

To keep informed of the status of relevant activity in our system, we offer many event notifications for each product. There are several ways to receive event notifications:

  • Push Webhook events that are reported to a registered partner endpoint (a callback URL).
  • Poll Events that are reported after a partner polls the events API.

The POST calls for the registration methods are the same. Make sure to select the correct registrationtype, either Push or Poll. We recommend that you use Push registration.

Register for webhook event reports (Push)

Use POST /webhooks/v1/registrations to register the callback URLs where event reports should be delivered.

IMPORTANT You must respond to Push with a 200 status to avoid getting suspended

In this example, your partnerId identifies you as the entity requesting webhook registration to the eventName: Core.Account.Opened, which is a Push registration. The eventName is being registered to the callbackUrl: https://cos.yourcompanysite.com/account-events.

Sample webhook push registration

IMPORTANT To confirm your callback URL is registered, call PUT /v1/registrations{id}/ping. It simulates a webhook event sent to your callback URL but doesn't include any resources. In addition, the isPing flag will be set to make it easy to handle the event appropriately.

Register to Poll for events

Use POST /webhooks/v1/registrations to register as a partner to poll for event status.

We recommend you poll for events only if you're not able to receive webhooks.

In the example below, your partnerId identifies you as the entity requesting registration to be able to poll the eventName: Core.Account.Opened. Click here for information on the format.

Sample Poll Registration

Retrieving registration status

Call GET /webhooks/v1/events/poll to poll for events.

When you poll the system, the events are sent in status: Pending and every event has to be manually acknowledged.

Don't poll more than once every 30 seconds.

In the example below, the eventName:Core.Account.Opened polls the deposit account resources: https://sandbox.crbcos.com/core/v1/dda/accounts/... to check the registration status.

Poll Event Response




ID of the event being polled


Name of the event being polled


When polling for an event, the status will always be Pending


Your ID in the CR system. This ID is in GUID format.


When the event was created.



Elements (such as an account number or an event name) that the event is reporting on.


Acknowledging an event

Call POST /webhooks/v1/events/{id}/acknowledge to acknowledge that you received the event.

Use the id you received when you checked the event status in this call. When you acknowledge an event, the status changes from Pending to Success.

Deleting a registration

Use the event registration id you received when you polled the event to delete an event registration.

Event delivery unsuccessful

Monitor the status of your webhook registrations.

If the system can't deliver an event to one of your registrations, it makes several attempts to re-send the event. If we still can't deliver the event after several retries, its registration status changes to Suspended and we start to queue all your events for your registration. No further attempts are made to deliver previous or future events to this endpoint until your registration returns to an Active status.

When a suspended webhook is restarted, all queued webhook notifications are delivered immediately.

If you get aSuspended status, review the logs of recent failed events to identify the issue. When the issue is resolved, restart your registration with the PUT /v1/registrations/{id}/restart webhooks API.

The status transitions to Restarting. If we can deliver an event successfully the status returns to Active. When the status returns to Active we deliver all the queued events from when your registration status was suspended. If we can't successfully deliver at least 1 event, the status returns to Suspended.

Delivery failure

If there is an event delivery failure, don't delete a registration and re-register for the same event. This prevents you from retrieving any events that were queued for delivery, as well as any events that fired in the time between deletion and re-registration.


Our system optionally supports basic authentication on each registration. You can supply an AuthUsername and AuthPassword which will be base64 encoded and included as an Authorization header on each webhook you receive.

IMPORTANT The preferred security practice is to use webhook signature verification instead of basic authentication.


Every webhook is signed with a standard HMAC with SHA256 hash. This provides an added layer of protection from replay attacks. Without a signature, an attacker could intercept a valid payload and retransmit it.

The signature can be found in the event's request header and includes the event timestamp. Our system generates a timestamp and signature each time we send an event to your endpoint. If our system retries an event after a previous failure, we generate a new signature and timestamp for the new delivery attempt. If a timestamp is subsequently changed, the signature is then invalid.

Sample Request Header

IMPORTANT If you receive an event with an old timestamp we recommend you discard or flag it. The recommended tolerance between timestamp and time of delivery will vary by your application's requirements, but should usually be less than 20 minutes. We do however, recommend special consideration for situations where there has been an extended outage at either party.

  • All signatures are version 1 (v1). Any other schemes besides v1 should ignored.
  • The signature is a standard HMAC with SHA256 hash.

Validating the Signature

  1. Extract the timestamp and signature from the cos-signature header.
  2. Concatenate the timestamp with the event body with a period in between the two values (as illustrated below).
  3. Compute an HMAC with the SHA256 hash function. Use the signing secret (provided by the Integration Team) as the key and use the string created in step #2 as the message. Also be sure to base64 encode the computed hash value.
  4. Compare the hash generated in step #3 with the signature extracted from the cos-signature header. If the hash and signature match, this is a valid request from COS.
  5. Compare the timestamp to the time received. If the difference exceeds your tolerance for accepting messages, you can reject the message or flag it for further review.
Sample Timestamp and Body Concatenation

Example: A Node.js script that shows how a webhook signature would typically be validated.

Sample Validation Script


Why is my webhook status Suspended?

Suspended status means that we could not successfully deliver an event to one of your registrations. See Webhooks for COS.

What is the retention period of webhooks?

Currently there is no limitation to the retention period.

What webhook events are available?

All available webhook events can be retrieved via Swagger by calling https://sandbox.crbcos.com/webhooks/swagger/ui/index#!/Meta/Meta_GetAll.

What is the maximum number of resources included in a single webhook event?

50k for events received in basic format

1k for events in extended format.

How are webhook failures handled?

After a delivery failure, COS will retry 3 additional times after approximately 30 - 60 seconds before your registration updates to a Suspended status. If we still can't deliver the event after several retries, its registration status changes to Suspended and we start to queue all your events for your registration. No further attempts are made to deliver previous or future events until your registration returns to an Active status.

What is the IP address from which COS webhooks are sent?

For sandbox it’s and for production its

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