Adjustment Action parameters
You can update the loan information after a loan was partially funded. Update the relevant parameters from the list below. Any loan funding information that you changed, shows with the word Adjusted before it.
Attributes | Description |
AdjustmentActionType LoanAdjustmentAction | Type of update made to the loan Required |
ActionAmount decimal | Dollar amount of the change to the loan Required |
Description string | Description of the reason for the loan adjustment. 1 - 30 characters. Required |
UpdatedBy string | By whom the information was updated Optional |
UpdatedOn string | Date/ time the information was updated Optional |
LoanId string | Unique identifier of the loan Optional |
AdjustedLoanAmount decimal or null | Adjusted gross dollar amount requested. Optional |
AdjustedNetFunding decimal or null | Adjusted net dollar amount to fund Optional |
AdjustedOriginationFee decimal or null | Adjusted charge to the borrower for the loan Optional |
Optional AdjustedCurrentMonthlyPayment decimal or null | Adjusted monthly payment amount Optional |
AdjustedFinalPaymentDate DateTime or null | Adjusted date due for final loan payment. The format must be: yyyy-mm-dd. Optional |
AdjustedFinalPayment decimal or null | Adjusted dollar amount of final payment Optional |
AdjustedFinanceCharge decimal or null | Adjusted finance charge paid by the borrower Optional |
AdjustedTotalPayments decimal or null | Adjusted total paid by the borrower after all the payments have been made Optional |
AdjustedAPR decimal or null | Adjusted annual percentage interest rate, as a percent Optional |