Webhook events
These are sample webhook reports you receive after you've registered to receive those event types.
When an event is sent in the form of a webhook, there will always be a wrapper around the content. The actual event will be in the JSON's content section.
Attribute | Description |
MPLId string | A 3-letter ID for the partner |
Ignore boolean | True or False |
Content JSON | This is the actual content of the event being sent |
This event is reported every time the status of a loan is changed.
Attribute | Description |
LoanId string | Unique identifier for the loan |
Status integer | Enums of the loan |
TimeStamp DateTime | Timestamp when the webhook was added |
DateInserted DateTime | Internal CR information. This can be ignored. |
This event is reported every time the loan fails to pass all compliance checks.
Attribute | Description |
EventData object array | |
MPLId string | 3-digit ID for the MPL |
LoanId string | Unique identifier for the loan |
CreateDate DateTime | Date and time the compliance failed |
FailedRulesReasons array | |
Rule Name string | Name of the rule that failed |
Rule string | The psuedo-code of the rule |
Data string | The actual data found in the loan tape/ attachments |
Result boolean | True or false. True if the compliance rule passed, otherwise false. |
FailedComplianceId integer | ID of failed rule |
This event is reported when there is a status update to a rail that was requested.
Attribute | Description |
Id string | 0 ignore |
RailId string | Unique identifier of the rail |
LoanId string | Unique identifier for the loan |
RailType integer | Enums representing the rail used |
RailTransactionId string | Unique identifier of the transaction, received from the rail provider that Arix is using for this rail type. |
FundResult integer | Enums RailResultType representing the result of the funding. |
Message string | Update message |
ProcessedAt DateTime | Timestamp of when the rail was processed on the payment processor, and received this FundResult status. |
TransactionGroupId string | Unique identifier for the transaction group. Internal CR information |
DateCreated DateTime | Timestamp of when the rail request was processed |
RailAmount integer | Rail amount requested from the payment processor |