Managing deposit accounts
Create and manage your customer deposit accounts from the Deposit Accounts screen in the Core tab.
In the Deposit Accounts screen, click an entry to view a selected account. A screen displays with comprehensive information about the account.

You can see the current balance and available balance of the deposit account
View balance history
To view the balance history, click for either the current or available and enter the date range for the information you want to see. Click Search and the records appear in the dialog box. The records include the following:
Field | Description |
TYPE | The type of entry |
CURRENT | Amount shown in the account at the defined entry time. An amount in parentheses means a debit and without parentheses means a credit. |
RUNNING CURRENT | The running balance amount shown in the account at the defined entry time including all transactions whether or not complete at that time |
AVAILABLE | Amount available for use at the defined time of the entry. An amount in parentheses means a debit and without parentheses means a credit. |
RUNNING AVAILABLE | The running balance of available funds at the defined time of the entry. A negative amount means a debit and a positive amount a credit. |
Deposit account details area
The following information displays in the Deposit Account Details area:
Field | Description |
Acct # | Account number |
Classification | Account classification (Personal / Business) |
Status | Account status |
Product Type | Product type (General Ledger/Checking/Savings/Time Deposit/Wallet) |
Opened | Date account was opened |
Last Maintenance | Date of last maintenance on account |
Last Contacted | Date of last contact with customer to verify account |
Partner | The partner under which the customer has been createdNote: Click the partner name to see the partner details view |
Statement Address | Full address associated with account |
Credit Limit | The maximum amount the deposit account can be overdrawn |
Available Credit Limit | Available funds in the deposit account |
Overdraft Enabled | Allows an account to be overdrawn according to partner-customer agreement/ terms |
Overdraft Account | A separate account with a maximum limit of money that can be drawn to fund the deposit account |
Overdraft Threshold | The desired end-of-day balance in the account |
Title | Account title |
Client Identifier | Use this attribute to add your own unique identifying string to a payment call or COS record. This attribute is useful for idempotency purposes |
Ledger Type | Account ledger type. Passthrough (default) or Direct |
Rate Card | Preconfigured template assigned to account, containing interest rates Note: To view details on a rate card, click the rate card name |
Last Transacted | Date of last transaction on account |
Product | Product account is associated with |
Contact Info | Contact information for the customer |
Click the 3-dot menu for options on editing the deposit account details as described below.
The new deposit account details display in the Deposit Account Details area.
What action? | How | Steps |
Change Account Title | Click the 3-dot menu and select Change Account Title. | Edit the account title field and click Submit |
Report Customer Contact | Click the 3-dot menu and select Report Customer Contact. | Edit the customer contact fields, the internal only note, partner note and click Confirm |
Change Statement Address | Click the 3-dot menu and select Change Statement Address. | Edit the statement address fields and click Save Changes |
Change Status | Click the 3-dot menuand select Change Status. | Edit the account status fields and click Save Changes |
Change Account Credit Limit | Click the 3-dot menu and select Change Account Credit Limit. | Edit the account credit limit and click Submit |
Change Overdraft Funding | Click the 3-dot menu and select Change Overdraft Funding. | Edit the overdraft funding fields and click Save Changes |
Customer relationships
The Customer Relationships area provides information about the customers with relationships to the account.
Column | Description |
CUSTOMER | Customer that account is related to |
RELATIONSHIP | Customer relationship to account |
TAX OWNER | Indicates whether customer is a tax owner |
DATE ADDED | Date relationship was added to account |
- Click the 3-dot menu, Add Customer Relationship to add a new customer relationship for the deposit account.
- Select the Customer and Relationship.
- Click SubmitClick x to remove a customer.
The account always has an assigned primary. If an additional person is added to the account and the primary then dies the additional person does not become a primary. The account would have to be closed and a new account opened.
Click a customer to view their detailed information.
Account activity tab
The Account Activity tab displays the Current and Available balance and information on the deposit account activity.
Column | Description |
DATE | Activity date |
SUB LEDGER | Number of deposit sub ledger account on which activity took place |
DESCRIPTION | Activity description |
CODE | Transaction code of activity |
AMOUNT | Dollar amount of activity |
BALANCE | Account balance following activity |
Sometimes you need to indicate that funds will be debited from or credited to an account. Create a memo post for that purpose.
- Click Create Memo Post .
- Enter memo post details and click Save
You can filter the information to show specific account activity. Enter the parameters that interest you and click the filter icon.
Field | Description |
Date From | Earliest activity date |
To | Latest activity date |
Amount From | Minimum dollar amount to filter on |
To | Maximum dollar amount to filter on |
Type | Internal/ External |
Code | Type of transaction, including account transfers, incoming and outgoing ACH transactions, and any ACH NOC |
Currency | Currency type. Choose from the drop-down list. |
Click a transaction in the list to view detailed information about it. For more information on viewing deposit account transactions, see Working with Deposit sub ledger accounts.
Posting exceptions tab
The Posting Exceptions tab displays transactions that were not posted within a set date period for the account.
Field | Description |
DATE | Posting exception date |
TRACE # | Unique core transaction trace number of posting exception |
SUB LEDGER | Number of sub ledger account on which exception occurred |
DESCRIPTION | Description of transaction for which exception occurred |
CODE | Code of activity on which exception occurred |
REJECTION | Rejection reason code |
MESSAGE | Rejection reason |
AMOUNT | Dollar amount of activity on which exception occurred |
You can filter the displayed information. Enter the parameters that interest you and click the filter icon.
Click an item in the list to view detailed information about it.
Debit cards tab
The Debit Cards feature is only supported for specific customers prior to 2020. Customers after that point use This is intended when you use i2c as the payment processor, with the option and capability of using any other payment process. .
The Debit Cards tab displays information about the card and cardholder.
This is intended for creating and managing only customer debit cards using VisaDirect and MastercardSend (McSend) as the payment processor.
Field | Description |
LAST FOUR | Last 4 digits of card |
CARDHOLDER | Name of cardholder |
STATUS | Active/Inactive |
OPENED | Date card created |
PRIMARY | Whether primary card |
ADMIN LOCKED | Locked by admin |
To create a new debit card:
- Click the 3-dot menu, select Add New Card and enter card details.
- Click Submit to save.
Statements tab
The Statements tab displays information about a deposit account for a defined period (this must have a start and stop date that has passed).
IMPORTANT The statement type you can pull is dictated by the roles that you are assigned on configuration. Your Explorer admins are responsible for making sure that users are properly configured with the appropriate roles and associated limits. Statements can only be pulled for a time period that is in the past.
Field | Description |
STATUS | Statement status |
PERIOD | Time period covered in statement |
ENTRIES | Number of entries in statement |
BEGIN BALANCE | Balance at beginning of time period covered in statement |
END BALANCE | Balance at end of time period covered in statement |
Click the 3-dot menu, and select Generate Statement to generate a statement for a defined time period.Click the download icon to download the generated statements.
Currently, statements are generated and can be downloaded monthly. You can generate a statement on demand however the following rules apply:
- The statement is created for a range of account activity that has not already been included in another statement. So if a statement already exists for the month of January then another statement that includes both January and February cannot be created.
- The statement only includes activity which has been settled. This means all account activity which has not been hard posted during the nightly settlement process will not be eligible.
Click an entry to display details for that month's statement. A screen opens showing Statement Details and Statement Entries.
Statement details
Field | Description |
Account Number | Account number |
Statement Address | -First Name -Middle Name -Last Name -Street Address 1-3 -District -City -ZIP code -Country |
Status | Statement status |
Period | Statement period |
Beginning Balance | Balance at the beginning of the time period covered in the statement |
Interest Accrued | Total amount of interest accrued on the account |
Interest Paid | Total amount of interest paid on account |
Fees | Total amount of fees paid |
Withdrawals | |
Debits | Total dollar amount of debits |
Created | Date and timestamp of statement |
Product | Name of product |
Ending Balance | |
Interest Accrued YTD | Interest incurred year to date |
Interest Paid YTD | Amount of interest paid on the account from the beginning of the current year to the current date |
Annual Percentage Yield Earned | Amount of compound interest earned on account in the year |
Entries | Number of entries in the statement |
Deposits | Total dollar amount of deposits over the statement period |
Credits | Total dollar amount of credits over the statement period |
Completed | Date and time that the statement was completed |
Statement entries
Field | Description |
DATE | Activity date |
CODE | Transaction code |
DESCRIPTION | Transaction description |
AMOUNT | Transaction amount |
BALANCE | Balance following the transaction |
Statement tasks
From the Statement Tasks area in the Statement Details screen you can perform several statement tasks. These include:
- Recall
- Mark delivered
- Download document
From the Account Statements area you can go to other monthly statements. Click on the plus sign by each calendar year to view more.
Holds tab
In the Holds tab, you can search for and view holds on a deposit account using these search filters:
Field | Description |
Rail | Rail type |
Rail Id | Rail ID |
Reason | Hold reason |
Deposit account hold information displays as follows:
Column | Description |
REASON | Hold reason |
CREATED | Hold creation date |
EXP. DATE | Hold expiration date |
NOTES | Notes entered on hold |
RAIL | Rail type |
TYPE | Hold type |
AMOUNT | Dollar amount of hold |
Remove a hold from the list of holds by clicking x.
To place a hold on an account:
- Click the 3-dot menu. Select Place Hold and fill in the fields.
- Click Save.
Restrictions tab
The Restrictions tab displays details of restrictions placed on a deposit account.
To remove a restriction from the list of restrictions, click x.
Column | Description |
APPLIES TO | The account(s) the restriction applies to |
RAIL | Rail type |
OTHER ACCT | If there are any other accounts that are impacted by the restriction. Restrict transaction according to specific account type. |
TRANS TYPE | Transaction type of restriction - Debit -Credit |
TRANS CODE | Transaction code of restriction |
THRESHOLD | Dollar amount threshold of restriction |
TYPE | Restriction Type -Partner -Internal |
REASON | Restriction reason |
NOTES | Notes entered on restriction |
To add a restriction on the deposit account:
- Click the 3-dot menu. Select Add Restriction and fill in the fields.
- Click Save.
Stop payments tab
The Stop Payments tab displays information on payments the account holder has requested be stopped.
Click a row in the list of stop payments to view details.
Field | Description |
RAIL | Rail type of stop payment |
STATUS | Status of stop payment |
MIN | Minimum dollar amount of stop payment |
MAX | Maximum dollar amount of stop payment |
EXPIRATION | Expiration date of stop payment |
NOTES | Notes entered on stop payment |
To stop a payment:
- Click the 3-dot menu, select Stop Payment, and fill in the fields as necessary.
- Click Place Stop Payment.
Card management tab
This is intended when you use i2c as the payment processor, with the option and capability of using any other payment process.
The Card Management tab displays card information.
Field | Description |
LAST FOUR | Last 4 digits of card number |
CARDHOLDER | Name of cardholder |
STATUS | Active/ Inactive/Suspended/Closed |
OPENED | Date card created |
PRIMARY | True or false |
ADMIN LOCKED | Locked by admin |
To add a new card:
- Click the 3-dot menu. Select Add New Card and fill in the fields.
- Click Save.
Account snapshot
The Account Snapshot area displays summary information by Current Month, year-to-date (YTD) and Life Time.
Field | Description |
Transaction Count | Number of transactions for given time period |
Low Balance | Lowest balance in time period |
High Balance | Highest balance in time period |
Withdrawal Total | Total dollar amount of withdrawals over time period |
Deposit Total | Total dollar amount of deposits over time period |
Debit Total | Total dollar amount of debits over period |
Credit Total | Total dollar amount of credits over period |
Last Debit | Dollar amount of last debit in period |
Last Debit At | Date of last debit in the time period |
Last Credit | Dollar amount of last credit in time period |
Last Credit At | Date of last credit in time period |
Last Interest | Dollar amount of last interest earned in time period |
Last Interest At | Date of last interest earned in time period |
Interest Total | Total interest earned over time period |
Fee Total | Total dollar amount of fees paid over time period |
Fee Count | Number of fee payments paid over time period |
Overdraft Count | Number of overdrafts during time period |
Overdraft Days | Number of overdraft days during time period |
Uncollected Count | Number of transactions rejected due to uncollected funds |
Deposit account tasks
From the screen detailing a specific account you can perform these actions on your account:
Deposit Funds
See Posting transactions.
Withdraw Funds
See Posting transactions.
Close Account
Note: To close an account the balance must be zero.
- Click Close Account and fill fields.
- Click Confirm.
Open Sub Ledger
See Open a deposit sub ledger account.
View Sub Ledger
The sub ledger accounts are listed in the Deposit Accounts Sub Ledgers search screen. For more information see Working with Deposit sub ledger accounts.
View Interest
Displays details of the breakdown of interest paid on an account. Click the filter icon to toggle the search fields, and enter relevatn serach parameters. Click Search.
- Accruals Tab
Field | Description |
PERIOD START | Starte date of interest accrual period |
PERIOD END | End date of interste accrual period |
AMOUNT | Amount of interest accrued |
ANNUAL RATE | Annual interest rate |
PRINCIPAL | Principal amount of interest |
PAID | Indiciates whether interest was paid |
PAID ON | Date of interest payment |
RATE CARD | Pre-configured template assinged to account containing interest rates |
TIER | Interest rate tier as indidcated in assinged rate card |
- Payments Tab
TRANSACTION | Contains a link to the Core transaction deatils, viewable in the Transaction Infromation screen. |
PAID ON | Interest payment date |
AMOUNT | Interest paymount amount |
UNPOSTED AMOUNT | Unposted interest payment amount |
ACCRUAL AMOUNT | Amount of interste accrued |
CARRY OVER AMOUNT | Amount of carry over interest |
LIFETIME PAYMENT | Total amount of lifetime interest payment |
POSTED | Indiccates whether interst payment was posted |
POSTED ON | Interest payment posting date |
View Tax Documents
A record of the tax documents associated with the deposit account displays here. Click View Tax Documents.
Field | Description |
TAX YEAR | Tax year for the document |
STATUS | Tax document status |
ACCT # | Account number associated with tax document |
CUSTOMER | Customer name on account |
TYPE | Tax document type |
CORRECTION | Indicates whether a correction was made to tax documen |
View Settlements
Click View Settlements to display a list of deposit account settlements within a date period.
Field | Description |
DATE | Settlement date |
START | Number of transactions settled over lifetime of account up to date in DATE field |
END | Confirmed number of transactions settled over lifetime of account up to date in DATE field |
COMPLETED | Date and time of settlement completion |
Click a settlement in the list to view the settlement details.
Field | Description |
Uncollected | Uncollected funds on settlement |
Overdrafts | Overdrafts on settlement |
Transactions | Transactions on settlement |
Debits | Total dollar amount of debits on settlement |
Last Debit | Amount of last debit on settlement |
Credit | Total dollar amount of credits on settlement |
Last Credit | Amount of last credit on settlement |
Deposits | Total dollar amount of deposits on settlement |
Withdrawals | Total dollar amount of withdrawals on settlement |
Opening Balance | Opening balance on the account as of settlement |
Closing Balance | Closing balance on the account as of settlement |
Low Balance | Lowest balance on the account as of settlement |
High Balance | Highest balance on the account as of settlement |
Interest Total | Total interest earned on account |
Fees | Number of fee payments made on account |
To search the settlements by a selected date period, click the filter icon to toggle the search fields, and enter the starting and ending dates. Click Search.
View Notes
You can see any notes that have been saved for the deposit account.
Field | Description |
DATE | Note creation date |
SUBJECT | Note subject |
AUDIENCE | Note audience (Internal or Partner) |
CREATED BY | COS user who created note |
BODY | Note text |
To add a note the account:
- Click Add Note and fill in the fields in the Create New Note.
- Click Submit. The new note appears in View Notes.
View Tags
Click View Tags to display tag information.
Column | Description |
TAG | Tag name |
STATUS | Tag status |
AUDIENCE | Tag audience (Internal or Partner) |
DATE | Tag creation date |
CREATED BY | Tag created by |
Click a tag in the list to view the details of the tag.
To create a new tag:
- Click Add Tag and fill in the fields.
- Click Submit, the new tag appears in the View Tags.
Go to Core>Deposit Accounts.
Search by Id or click Filter and enter your search parameters:
Filter | Description |
Partner | Partner name or select from list of partner names |
Product | Product name |
Acct # | Deposit account number |
Title | Account title |
Status | Account status |
From | Search from date |
To | Search until date |
Client Identifier | Use this attribute to add your own unique identifying string to a payment call or COS record. This attribute is useful for idempotency purposes . |
Click Search. The search results display in the Deposit Accounts list. Each row in the list represents an individual deposit account.
Field | Description |
ACCT # | Account number |
STATUS | Account status |
TITLE | Account title |
PRODUCT | Account product |
PARTNER | Partner to who account is associated |
OPENED | Date account was opened |
CURRENT BALANCE | Current balance of account |
AVAILABLE BALANCE | Available balance of account |
Click Core.
Click Deposit Accounts.
Click Open Account.
Fill in the fields.
Field | Description |
Partner | Partner |
Product | Product |
Customer | Customer |
Account Title | Account Title |
Street [1-3] | Street [1-3] |
City | City |
State/ Province | State/ Province |
Postal Code | Postal Code |
Country Code | Country Code |