Instant Payments

Instant Payment limits


Cross River (CR) sets a daily send limit for Instant Payments per partner. This limit acts as a control mechanism for the bank and ensures that your instant payments will not be disrupted. CR determines your limit (in dollars) based on previous instant payment usage, your daily average balance maintained in your Instant Payments-eligible account, and projections you provided during onboarding. This limit can be adjusted upwards or downwards, as appropriate and necessary, subject to Cross River approval.

Cross River gives you a webhook event, RTP.Limits.Utilization.Changed, to keep you informed about how close you are to hitting your limit and how much you have left to use. It is important that you monitor your limit utilization to ensure that your instant payment services are not disrupted. This webhook makes it easy, telling you the percentage of your limit that's been used, and the percentage the last time the webhook fired.


How instant payment limit utilization works

Cross River calculates your specific limit utilization percentage by adding together the total amount of successful credit transfers and comparing that number to your instant payments daily send limit. The system calculates this percentage every 10 minutes for any product that is active, meaning it has had successful credit transfers that day. This frequency is configurable.

This limit assumes a processing window of 1 pm to 1 pm (US Eastern time). The time is taken from the createdAt value from when each payment originated.

The system stores the history of percentages for 28 hours, after which older data is removed using a cleanup routine run once an hour.

Once you register for RTP.Limits.Utilization.Changed, it fires when the percentage of successful transfers hits 5%, and fires again every time the transfer interval goes up 5% (at 5%, 10%, 15% and so on).

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