Pagination and versioning
Pagination is a process that divides a large dataset into smaller chunks. All endpoints that return a list of resources support pagination.
When using a list method on a resource, our system supports parameters to specify the paging of the results returned.
For example, if you want to return the second page of your customer list with a 50-record page size, specify that in the request query string:
pageNumber integer Current page number determined by the total number of records and the number of records per page |
pageSize integer Number of records to list on a page. Maximum is 50. |
Results are wrapped in a standard paging object as follows:
id string Unique identifier |
name string Customer name |
pageNumber integer Current page number determined by the total number of records and the number of records per page |
pageSize integer Number of records to list on a page. Maximum is 50. |
hasPreviousPage boolean True if there is a previous page, otherwise false |
hasNextPage boolean True if there is a next page, otherwise false |
Paged Results
"name":"John C. Customer"
All API endpoints contain a numbered version in the URL. Whenever breaking changes are made to the API, a new major version will be created.
Breaking changes
Adding new required fields to request
Changes to the response format
Data type changes
Modifying an endpoint URL
Removing endpoints
Non-breaking changes
Adding new endpoints
Adding new optional fields to request
Adding new fields to response
Adding new values to fields (e.g. a new status value)
Bug fixes
Deprecated Versions
When we release a new major version, we will continue to support the previous version for a period of at least 6 months before it is deprecated.